Dyeing of silk fibers | Silk dyeing | Dyeing of protein fibers | How to dye silk? | What are the important dyes of silk dyeing?


Dyeing of silk fibers is often done using natural and chemical dyes. In the following, we describe the steps of dyeing silk fibers

Washing: Before dyeing, silk fibers are washed with detergents to remove all dirt particles and excess oils from the fibers.

Preliminary preparation: In this stage, silk fibers are prepared with chemicals and ready for dyeing. Various primers are used to increase the dye absorption rate and improve dye stability.

Dyeing: In this step, dyes are added to the silk fibers. These materials may include chemical dyes such as aniline and nitric acid or natural dyes such as saffron and natural flowers.

Color Fixation:After applying the dye to the silk fibers, the colors must be fixed on the fibers to maintain their stability through washing and long-term use. For this purpose, stabilizers such as acetone, acetic acid and aluminum chloride are used.

Washing: After the color is fixed, the silk fibers are washed with water to remove the excess colors from the fibers and the colors are finally fixed.

In general, the dyeing of silk fibers, due to the delicacy and sensitivity of these fibers, requires the precise application of dyeing materials and proper preliminary preparation.

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